Wyoming Elk hunting at its finest. We offer fully guided bull and cow hunts. Ranch size and limited quota Elk areas add to the impressing number of Elk that can be found. On an average day, of all the Elk seen, its not uncommon that more than 50% plus are Bulls. The average Bull taken is around 340 points B&C with 100% success rate. Hunts take place on the Continental Divide where the high desert meets the foot hills of the Sierra Madres. This country is made of small pockets of aspen and wind weathered pine draws. There is a resident herd that lives here and later in the season more Elk move in to Winter. Action is around every corner. With new Bulls moving in, and the quest for dominance, the fighting never stops. The amazing sound of the Bull Elk's bugle echos through the canyons from the rut in September to early December.

Dexter Peak Ranch is classic Elk hunting, high mountain peaks with pine and aspen as far as the eye can see. We offer fully guided bull and cow hunts in this General area. This ranch is bordered by the Medicine Bow National Forest on 3 sides. The hunting pressure from the forest makes for an unbelievable Elk hunt on our private land.
Bull and Cow hunts are available. Hunters will stay at the ranches cabin with all the amenities and home cooked meals. Mule deer Antelope and Black Bears are also abundant in the area.
Dexter Peak Ranch Area 21 GEN
Elk Archery Season Begins September 1st and runs until September 31st. The Month long Season allows elk hunters To take advantage of the rut by bugling and cow calling. When were not glassing and Bugle Chasing we have permanent water hole Blinds for those hot afternoons, Tree stands that we set up during preseason scouting, and a few ground blinds located along heavily used trails and wallows. Wyomings elk archery seasons is a well kept secret, Due to the size of the state and the low population its rare that you will see another hunter even on most public land.
Season Dates: October 11th-31st
Bull Rifle Season Dates: October 15th-31st
ArcherySeason Dates: September 1st -30th